The annual exhibition From the Roots of the Estonian Fashion Designers' Union will be open in Hobusepea gallery from Wednesday, July 1st 2020. Exhibition will be open until August 3rd.
At the present exhibition former clothing culture meets contemporary fashion design. Through innovative working methods and modern solutions, fashion designers express respect towards their origin, beauty ideals of various generations as well as the phenomenon of continuity.
In their creative process, the participating artists have been most inspired by an clothing item or an everyday object that has belonged to the artist's close family member. The artists have been influenced by the activities, rituals and clothing of their relatives dating back to the artists' childhood – while now analyzing the aspects connecting or disconnecting them to the individuals related to their memories. Participating artists have chosen the old photographs, letters and everyday items that have deeply influenced them and these are now on display for the exhibition viewers who can thus test the strength of their so-called genetic code and contemplate on the inevitability of one's roots. Every exhibited piece is equipped with an explanatory text and the portraits of both the artists and the close relatives who have inspired them.
Participating artists: Ainikki Eiskop, Anu Hint, Anu Ling, Anne Metsis, Astri Müül, Diana Denissova, Eve Tiidolepp, Ilona Tamm, Joan Hint, Kai Saar, Katre Arula, Kärt Karjatse, Küllike Tuvikene, Külli Kerttu Siplane, Liivika Põvat-Straus, Merle Lõhmus, Piret Kuresaar, Thea Pilvet Martinson, Tiia Orgna.
Organizer of the exhibition: Estonian Fashion Designers' Union
Exhibition design: Anu Hint
Supporters: Estonian Artists' Association, Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Publications: MinuPrint
Exhibitions in Hobusepea gallery are supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture and Liviko Ltd.
Additional information:
Hobusepea Gallery
Gsm: +372 56 451 591
+372 52 85 324
Tel: +372 6 276 777
Hobusepea 2, Tallinn 10133
Wed‒Mon 12.00‒18.00