June 8 – July 7 2024
Gallery Metropol and Metropol Cabinet (Vana-Kalmaja 46, Tallinn)
Presentation of artworks will take place on June 8 at 6 pm in front of the gallery building.
We are happy to announce that your package is waiting for you in Tallinn, in the parcel machine located in the summercool hundred years old building in Kalamaja district.
Please pick up your package. Attention! Follow the operating instructions of the machine!
Kai Kaljo has brought a site-specific glass exhibition to Vana-Kalamaja street, which subtly combines the themes of our needs, curiosity and passion for ownership. The audience has a role to play, and the house of Metropol will have eyes from nowon.
Artist explains: "I have been experimenting with colored glass in recent years. One day I noticed a box in the store with the inscription "Fragments of melting glass 9.90". These fragments started a new chapter that continues to this day. In the course of experimentation, many selfborn small forms, landscapes, moods have appeared, which now hide in the 160 drawers of Metropol Cabinet, which has been transformed into a parcel machine.
In addition to the parcel machine, I made stained glass window over the front door of the gallery. A few years ago, during excavations in Kalamaja, a piece of medieval stained glass with paintings was found, which had been waiting there for hundreds of years for its time.
It's no secret that things live longer than us."
Kai Kaljo (b. 1959) is a versatile artist who works in video, painting, photography, glass art and more. She graduated from the Estonian State Art Institute in 1990 with a degree in painting and lives in Tallinn.She gained international recognition as a video artist in 1997, after her video "Loser" was displayed at the exhibition "Funny versus Bizarre" in Vilnius.
You can get acquainted with the artist's video creations: vimeo.com/kaikaljo
The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Metropol Gallery is located in Tallinn at Vana-Kalamaja street 46.
To visit the exhibition, arrange your visit with the gallery beforehand by calling +372 5217649 or +372 5102572 or send a message via social media beforehand. Please ring the doorbell on arrival.
Kai Kaljo is also present in the gallery, the exact information can be found on the Metropolis pages on the Internet.
More information: kaikaljo@yahoo.com
Gallery contacts:
Kaarel Kütas +372 5217649, kaarel.kytas@gmail.com or Triinu Jürves trjyrves@gmail.com
FB: Metropol galerii
IG: metropolkapp
Metropol in NOBA art map: noba.ac/et/galerii/galerii-metropol-6m2-metropol-kapp/