

FÜÜRER PRAISS 2021 award exhibiton  - Johanna Sipilä and Toomas Kuusing
December 11, 2021 – January 12, 2022 Opening event on Saturday, December 11 at 6 pm FÜÜRER PRAISS is an art prize awarded by the Metropol Gallery commitee since year 2016. Aim of the award is to recognize nominated artst’s efort in combining diferent parts oi art scene and celebrate their creatve work. The nominee is worthy oi creatng his/her own school oi iollowers or already has it. Once a year, two artsts are selected to make a joint exhibiton in the gallery and collaborate in the name oi “victory”. The special prize is original works oi art created especially ior the nominees. This year's prize will be played out as a iestve test match between Finland Setumaa and Finland, as the nominees are:
Exhibition “State of Abstraction”
Exhibition “State of Abstraction”
ARS Project Space 09.12.2021 – 12.12.2021   From Thursday, December 9, the art exhibition “Abstract States” by 2nd year students of EAA Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Glass Art and Ceramics departments will be open at the ARS Project Space. The exhibition is up until December 12, 2021.   The exhibition, which explores a variety of mind-states, invites viewers to take part in a cognitive journey accompanied by impulses from the presence of sound, video and material propositions. “State of Abstraction” features 12 authors, whose works are linked only by the nuances of our time and some subtle cognitive dialogue.
Gloria Hao’s and Madlen Hirtentreu’s exhibition “Lost Future Figure. oh whistle, and i'll come to you, my friend”
Gloria Hao’s and Madlen Hirtentreu’s exhibition “Lost Future Figure. oh whistle, and i'll come to you, my friend” in Draakon gallery will be open from November 24, 2021.  l An old nun steps out of the abbey after years of isolation. Perhaps she is on a mission. She meets two strangers. What does one see and think of the world outside the walls of the abbey after years of living in one religious utopia? What doubts does she meet in herself and what can she share with those two strangers?
Kaisa Maasik's exhibition “Blow Hot and Cold”
Kaisa Maasik's personal exhibition “Blow Hot and Cold” will be open in Hobusepea gallery from Wednesday, November 24. Exhibition will be open until December 13, 2021.    The saying “blow hot and cold” expresses ambivalence, alternating between two states. In her artwork presented at the current exhibition, Kaisa Maasik examines depicting of (alternation of) emotions.    When it comes to languages, expressions about moods tend to involve opposite colours: for instance the saying “see red” means the same as “turn blue with anger” in Estonian, and yet, in both languages, one becomes “green with envy”. Various studies have also proved that human face is changing undertones depending on a specific emotion (Benitez-Quiroz, F., Srinivasan, R., Martinez, A. M. (2018) Facial color is an efficient mechanism to visually transmit emotion.
Meeli Kõiva aka Mery Crsytal Ra
Meeli Kõiva (aka Mery Crystal Ra) will celebrate her 30-year career as a visionary and pioneering international artist with a conference, “IN THE LIGHT OF ENERGY FIELDS: MEELI KOIVA MEETS MERY CRYSTAL RA,” at the KUMU Auditorium in Tallinn on December 5. A 1991 exhibition of Meeli Kõiva's unique and innovative work, which combines moving lasers and quartz glass sculptures, paved the way for the artist's international career. Her work has been featured at numerous galleries and venues, including a UNESCO Light Year solo exhibition in Mexico and a Nobel panel.  A leader in the fields of glass sculpture, lighting art and monumental multimedia, Meeli Kõiva has created more than 50 unique architectural monuments in both Europe and the United States, including a glass-video work at the European Parliament's headquarters in Brussels and a light-glass sculpture at Glaston Corporation's main building in Tampere.
Tõnis Saadoja „Oktoober. Roosakashall“. Õli, lõuend. 2021. 195 x 150 cm
Tõnis Saadoja’s exhibition “September, October, … ” opens in the WIELS Project Room, Brussels. The exhibition opening takes place on December 1 at 18.   In the painting series “September, October, …” the artist’s focus lies equally on two aspects – how to portray an unfunctional environment and how to paint a picture that is primarily about painting?   “I’m interested in the poetic dimension of an image and the conditionality inherent in the painting process provides one possibility to amplify this,” says Saadoja. “Painting is, first and foremost, a potential that may lead to new connections and meanings. It can also lead back to old routes and there’s nothing wrong with that either.
Jaanika Peerna „Glacier Elegies“
On Saturday, December 4th at 19:00.   Estonian Writers' Union Harju 1, Tallinn 10146   Please join us for book launch of Jaanika Peerna's monograph “Glacier Elegies”.   Külliki Tõnisson is moderating a discussion with the artist and Helo Laatspera. 
Exhibition ”Neonaivism”
Exhibition ”Neonaivism”
NEONAIVISM 26.11.2021 - 4.01.2022 Opening of the exhibition: 25.11.2021 kell 17.00
Uno Roosvalt's anniversary exhibition “My Studio”
Uno Roosvalt's anniversary exhibition “My Studio” will be opened in Hobusepea gallery at 6pm on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021. Exhibition will be open until November 22, 2021.    Uno Roosvalt turned 80 in August this year. Current exhibition comprising Roosvalt's drawings is one way to celebrate this important landmark in the artist's life. Uno tends to lead his life with a modest flow – and his loving gaze accompanies the various subjects of his artwork, whether it be Nordic nature, coastal landscapes, evergreen bushes or cats and dogs. And there have always been cats and dogs in the Roosvalt family's home.    Artist's studio is an artist's home. It is the birthplace of the artist's artwork. Even when the works leave the studio, there will be a memory of the space in the artworks as the space in the artist's head where the creative ideas were born. Yearning for one's studio is a part of every artwork's charm.
Marley O’Brien in The Exquisite Corpse, Lou Sheppard, 2021
5–28 November 2021 Opening 4 Nov 2021, 6–8 pm Laura Põld